Recycling Success!

Since the new Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012 were implemented in Scotland on 1st January 2014, Caltech Lifts have been proactive in our approach to recycling and through interactive toolbox talks have emphaisised to our staff the positive impact we can all have on the environment.

We ensure all metal, plastic, glass, paper and card is separated and collected by a registered recycling firm.

We also ensure we recycle all hydraulic oil, stairlift batteries and old stairlift units.

During the last 6 months since 1st January 2014 Caltech can proudly announce that we have managed to recycle 93% of all our waste.

Recycling Success
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Recycling Success
Since the new Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012 were implemented in Scotland on 1st January 2014, Caltech Lifts have been proactive in our approach to recycling and through interactive toolbox talks have emphaisised to our staff the positive impact we can all have on the environment.
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